Rural Boss sorghum & cow pea cover crop trial

Wamuran strawberry grower Ben Davey, after two successful seasons using bio-organic liquid fertiliser and soil rejuvenator – Rural Boss on his strawberry crops, decided to run a trial using the product on his cover crops. Of his 20ha he treated 12ha with Rural Boss and did 8ha without. The cover crop was in the ground for 8 weeks over which time he put on 2 applications of Rural Boss at a rate of 10 litres per hectare.

The Benefits Ben experienced:

I have never seen our sorghum so green and so thick, or such excellent cow pea coverage as on the areas treated with Rural Boss”

~ Wamuran Strawberry Grower Ben Davey

Impressive internode length for age of plant
Stem up to twice as thick as non-treated sorghum
Healthy root ball
Excellent cover of cow pea amongst sorghum
Sorghum cover crop Wamuran