Rural Boss sorghum & cow pea cover crop trial
Wamuran strawberry grower Ben Davey, after two successful seasons using bio-organic liquid fertiliser and soil rejuvenator – Rural Boss on his strawberry crops, decided to run a trial using the product on his cover crops. Of his 20ha he treated 12ha with Rural Boss and did 8ha without. The cover crop was in the ground for 8 weeks over which time he put on 2 applications of Rural Boss at a rate of 10 litres per hectare.
The Benefits Ben experienced:
- Sorghum grew 3ft in 2 weeks
- Leaves wider on treated sorghum 2” to 3”
- The Rural Boss treated sorghum was much greener and the stalks much bulkier
- Breakdown speed faster – 50% improvement (Due to dry matter breakdown bacteria in Rural Boss).
- Very satisfied with the density of green manure adding a valuable carbon source to the soil ready for another great growing season in 2018
“I have never seen our sorghum so green and so thick, or such excellent cow pea coverage as on the areas treated with Rural Boss”
~ Wamuran Strawberry Grower Ben Davey